FAQ: What should I include in my Author Bio?

Your author bio should be written in third person and begin with the name you generally publish (or are starting to publish) under.

While we want to make sure readers can find more of your work, we really want a couple of interesting lines about you, not simply a list of all the places you’ve been published or awards you’ve won. Please limit the list of publications, if any, to three or fewer of your favorites.

See past volumes of Spark: A Creative Anthology for examples, which include “About the Author” and “About the Poet” statements similar to the following:

GEORGE WELLS is an American expatriate living in Guadalajara, Mexico, where he teaches English as a Foreign Language and writes.

KATE RAYNES is at once a painter, a dreamer, a writer, and a scientist. She lives a nomadic existence, yet can most often be found somewhere in Seattle, Washington, her faced pressed up against the glass.

ANDREW BLACKMAN is a former Wall Street Journal staff writer, now living in London and concentrating on fiction. His first novel On the Holloway Road (Legend, 2009) won the Luke Bitmead Award and was shortlisted for the Dundee International Book Prize, and his second, A Virtual Love, was published in March, 2013. — andrewblackman.net

ALEXIS A. HUNTER is a regular contributor to Spark: A Creative Anthology.  Since she was a child of nine years old, Hunter has reveled in the endless possibilities of speculative fiction. Short stories are her true passion, despite a few curious forays into the world of novels. Over forty of her short stories have been published, appearing recently in Plasma Frequency MagazineUntied Shoelaces of the MindKasma SF, and more. — idreamagain.wordpress.com.

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