Weekly Statistics for June 28, 2014

NEW! Find our latest overall statistics at SparkAnthology.org/statistics.

Submissions received during the week ending 2014-06-28
Total: 54 | Max: 15 | Average: 7.71

Categories for submissions received during the week ending 2014-06-28
Poetry: 20 | Fiction and Creative Non-Fiction: 34

Categories for all submissions as of 2014-06-28
Total: 3085 | Poetry: 956 | Fiction and Creative Non-Fiction: 2129

Status of all submissions as of 2014-06-28
New: 268 | In Progress: 585 | Withdrawn: 361 | Declined: 1738 | Accepted: 146

Change since last week
New: +49 | In Progress: -41 | Withdrawn: +8 | Declined: +34 | Accepted: +4

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